Christmas Traditions
part 1 - the decorating

Last year I became totally involved in finding out how different families celebrate Christmas. I began by asking my preschool kiddos all sorts of questions: Does Santa wrap your gifts? Where does he leave them? What is on top of your tree? Of course you can only get so much information from a 4 year old since more often than not it's "I forgot" about what they did an hour ago.
I asked friends, extended family, strangers on the street (ok, maybe not) what traditions they had. Little did I know that by Christmas this year I would be pregnant with our first little one and finding out about traditions has become all the more exciting!
There are traditions my own family has stuck too through the years. You know I like to ramble on and on. This post will be broken up into parts! This post is dedicated to decorating! Be sure you skip to the end if you can't make it through all my rambles and take a minute to comment with my questions!!!!!!!! (please)
The Tree: I remember looking forward to (and begging) to put up the tree way before the Christmas season arrived. I do remember one horrible year where my parents broke my heart. I think I was about 5 or 6 (I'll have to ask Mom) when my parents got the bright idea that they would "surprise me" with putting up the tree without me. (I imagine they thought it would be easier that way) They let me spend the afternoon and evening at my Grandparents house and when they brought me home, the tree was up and done. "Surprise" .... "What?" Are you kidding me? I was so upset and still remember it, that's just wrong and it never happened again.
For two years we went to a tree farm and cut our tree down when I was young. It was a huge deal and took forever to pick out one that we all three agreed on.(If we had a bigger family, it would have been serious trouble) The problem was when we brought that monster home and Dad rigged a tree stand. Yikes! It didn't make him a happy camper and after two years of a seriously grumpy Dad after the tree stand making ....... investing in an artificial one seemed the way to go!
Thankfully now that I have my own family and home, I can (usually) sucker (beg) Andy into letting me start decorating even before Thanksgiving arrives! The only reason I need his "go ahead" is b/c he has to lug the hundreds (only a slight exaggeration) of boxes up the stairs. I decorate everything that stands still, seriously! We have two "big" trees, both are artificial. One in the dining room, a nice theme and white lights. Then the living room tree is multi color lights and a hodge podge of decorations from both of our childhoods, gifts and such. I decorate both bathrooms, yes I'm serious. I decorate the kitchen and go as far as to swap out to Christmas dishes, canisters, mixing bowls, etc... The kitchen has it's own very small, table top tree complete with white lights and ornaments. It's quite insane and I only wish I had a bigger house to do more!!
Here's the living room tree. Notice the muppet stuffed animal under the tree, he's from Hardees. Does anyone remember buying Christmas animals for like $1 or something there? (Or sets of glasses from McD's?) We had a Hardees in Powder Springs ages ago. There is also a baby reindeer on a present from there too! Then another reindeer from the Disney Very Merry Christmas Party a few years ago!

Here's the tiny table top kitchen tree.

I have begged for a white large tree for the kitchen. I've been collecting "candy"-like and gingerbread style ornaments the past few years for that kitchen tree I'll eventually get. Though I have no idea where we'll put it in there, it's already decorated in my head!!
Ornaments: It was tradition for years and years for a
wonderful woman named Jane McClure and her husband Herb to

give me an ornament at Christmas. She was a customer and friend of my Moms. Jane & I were big buddies and I miss her now that she's been in Heaven for many years. I have a gorgeous collection of glass bells and a few glass sleighs that she gave me and they are very special to me!
From Jane, 1981! (I was 7)
I love the ornaments that came from Andy's Moms tree. There are some sweet ornaments on there that Andy made when he was little and one that his Grand Mother made for him. I love them! There are some quirky little retro like ornaments from my Maw Maw's tree and they are some of my favorites. I am so very into retro-Christmas decorations, love 'em. Then there are some from my Mom's tree that just make me smile and bring back memories.
Andy's Grandmother made this for him when he was little.

I have oodles and I do mean oodles from previous preschool munchkins. I love to look back at those names and remember those little guys, wondering what they're up to now. (Thankfully some I still keep up with 11 years later!)
From Jill & Laura, sisters I had ages ago.
Stockings: Growing up my parents and I had the matching traditional red stockings with white fur at the top. I have all three of them now. They hung on a variety of places since we didn't always have a mantel for them. Andy & I have very "country" looking stockings. One has a snowman and one has a Santa, they aren't designated as who they belong to. Santa just chooses one for each of us when he visits and fills them!
When we lived in our first house they hung on those nifty little mantel hanger do-dads. Until.... Santa knocked one off the mantel when he got it down to fill it, breaking into tiny pieces. He left me a rather angry note about why I had them "rigged" like that. (More on the traditional Santa note later) This house had nails already in the mantel when we moved in, just perfect for stockings. I have begun the search for baby munchkin an official stocking already. I bought one last year that is perfect, but now I fear what if we have two little ones next year. (adoption and pregnancy) I want them to be similar. For now I'm still pondering that one.
Here is one of our stockings and part of the angel & star garland too.
Paper Decorations: I have to ask if any of you remember those old decorations that you buy and hang up, well... anywhere I guess? I had all sorts of them and Mom let me hang them on the doors in our house. I still have a few of them in a box, I need to find a good use for those. From time to time I see them in the dollar store and wonder if people still buy them and where they put them?
Outside: Growing up it varied on just how much we decorated outside. When I was in middle school my Dad grew braver and braver, getting involved in decorating all the trees outside. We would put up the tackiest hodge podge of lights in the trees you can imagine. They would hang all over the place with no rhyme or reason and I LOVED them. I loved hanging out with Dad, while he did all the work and I adored the finished project. Mom & I hung lights around all the windows and the front door too! She also had those old fashion plug in candle looking lights for all the windows. The bulbs were red for awhile and later went all white. I was eager every night for the sun to set and to plug those suckers in!!
Andy & I stick with white lights outside. We have two white snowflakes that have white lights, they go on windows on each side of the porch. I put white lights around the front door and front porch. (Though I don't now if I have the energy this year or not) We have 1 white deer with white lights who moves his head and he sits in the front yard. Andy surprised me last year with making him a Rudolph by replacing the bulb on his nose with a red one. We put white lights on the ground around him to resemble "snow" and then Andy wraps up the old farm wheel do-hickey out there in white lights too. We want to add another white animal out there, but it's never in the budget. Eventually......
One year Andy's brother Mike brought us a gorgeous real tree from their property. It was HUGE and was in the front of our yard. We put those huge old fashion lights on it out there (multi color) and it was awesome! It was a one time deal though, good memory!
Your Turn:So if you have stayed with me through all this babbling, God Bless you! Now, tell me about your decorating traditions!!!
Tree: Hodge Podge? Theme? How many? Solid lights or multi? Artificial or real? When does it go up? Tell me!!
Ornaments: Do you have special ones? Do you collect anything? New ones? Old ones? Style? Theme? Everything goes? Favorites? Please share!
Stockings: Does everyone match? Do they have names on them? Have you bought new ones or always used the same? Holders? Nails? Tell me all about 'em!
Outside: Do you decorate out there? Lights? Blow Ups? Animated? Tree? Thoughts??