Last of the Beach
Thursday wasn't the best of weather days, but we still had a great time. Andy & I decided since it was raining a little we would head to a few golf stores and outlets. I found a few great deals and then I tore myself away before I got into the kids clothing stores. I have no self control and still buy one in pink and one in blue.... Then we headed back to Lulu's for lunch! We spent the afternoon playing games and hanging out.
Then it was photo session time. Thankfully the weather cleared and we had a perfect evening for it!!!! Aimee had bought the greatest outfits ever for taking pictures! I love the colors and how they looked on the white sand! It was such a great choice. Taking pictures is a HUGE passion and it makes me happy to know I am capturing moments!! There's nothing more fun than taking pictures of kiddos, thus the oodles of pictures of Layla & Tanner. It was a lot of fun and we got some great pics out of it! Taking pictures makes me happy~ (Even if I did get drenched by a wave there in the end. :)
Enjoy.... Aimee, Jason, Layla & Tanner Thurmond!!
Our favorite picture, which was totally NOT planned......
How cute are they?

I was taking pics of Jason & Aimee, but Miss Priss decided she needed to be in these too. I just think this one is sweet.....
That tongue, she's so funny.....
Nothing sweeter than a little girl & her Mommy.....

No fear of the bitty bitty crabs......
Yep, two bitty bitty crabs... that girl, that girl..... isn't she beautiful?!
Tanner and his Daddy testing out the ocean for the first time.....
Tanner's face just makes me laugh.....

Tanner and his Mommy.....

Aren't they the sweetest?
I love all of these pictures. They are soooooo very wonderful. Thank you so much for taking them. You have to come next summer. Not just for the pictures but we really enjoyed you guys being there.
I love that family pic it is to precious for words...
These pictures are amazing!
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