Scattergories | |
Where do I get this stuff???? Rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following...They MUST be real places, names, things...NOTHING made up! If you can't think of anything, skip it. Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question. Your Name: Monica 1. Famous Athlete: Mickey Mantle 2. 4 letter word: mold 3. Street name: Main Street 4. Color: magenta 5. Animal: manatee 6. Vehicles: Mini Cooper 7. Tropical Locations: Maui 8. College Majors: Music Education 9. Dairy Products: 10. Things in a Souvenir Shop: map 11. Boy Name: Mark 12. Girl Name: Misty 13. Movie Title: Meet the Parents 15. Occupations: mailman 16. Flowers: marigold 17. Celebrities: Marilyn Monroe 18. Magazines: Men's Fitness 19. U.S. Cities or State : Maine 20. Pro Sports Teams: Miami Dolphins 21. Something Found in a kitchen: muffin pan 22. Reason for Being Late: mixed up directions 23. Something You Throw Away: 24. Things You Shout: MOVE! 25. Cartoon Character: Mickey Mouse |
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Posted by monica at 1:25 PM What do you think?? (3)
Friday, January 19, 2007
"Giving in to peer pressure, you know who you are"
1. You have 10 bucks and need to buy snacks at a gas station, what do you get?
Coke icee, funyuns, baby ruth and a ring pop (this kind of meal is my favorite, junk food- terrible)
2. If you had to be reincarnated as some sort of sea dwelling creature, what would you be?
3. Who's your favorite redhead?
Ariel (my favorite Disney movie is Little Mermaid)
4. What do you order when you're at a pancake house?
If we are in pigeon forge or gatlinburg: chocolate chip pancakes with whip cream
If we are at IHOP around here: eggs, sausage, gravy, hashbrowns
5. Last book you read
As in finished: Cross by James Patterson
Working on : 4th Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants & Facing Your Giants (Max Lucado)
6. Have you made out with anyone on your myspace friend's list?
Made out, NO... Kissed, um.....*blushing* yep
7. Describe your favorite pair of underwear.
Oh lordy....confession: a blue pair with polka dots
8. Describe the last time you were injured.
My shoulder popped wierd last week and was out of whack for a few days, does that count?
9. Of all your friends, with whom would you want to be stuck in the middle of a jungle?
Does Andy count? If so, I'll take him please.....
10. Are there any odd things that make you feel uncomfortable?
speaking in front of a group of adults (is that odd though?) not sure what odd actually means in this question
11. Are there any weird things that turn you on?
who makes up these things? i'm going to go
12. What is the wallpaper on your cell phone?
picture of andy & I in belize on the beach
13. Pop?
I don't get it? Pop music....rarely..... Pop as in drink.....coke or diet coke
14. Flavor?
I don't get this one either....candy: grape or orange ice cream: chocolate
15. What type of shirt are you wearing?pink stripes on a pj top
16. Prescription medication? thyroid stuff
(oh holly that was funny)
17. If you could use only one form of transportation for the rest of your life, what would it be?
(holly i'll take the monorail with you and we can extend the route..don't ya think?) otherwise:
a car I guess....
18. How many people are on your myspace friends list?
i don't know 20something ish?
19. How many people on your myspace list do you know in real life?
1 of them i haven't met in person, but talked to online and am getting to know....planning lunch eventually
20. What are you listening to right now?
something on espn classics about old race horses (it's Friday/Andys home)
21. Most recent movie you've watched:
New movie in theaters: Rocky
Movie on dvd: You, Me & Dupree
22. Name 3 things you have with you at all times:
cell phone, wallet, pen
23. Would you rather give or receive a foot massage
Recieve, well .. duh-
24. Name a teacher you had the hots for:
Coach Brookings.....Coach Pritz........didn't everyone?
25. What is a saying that you use a lot?
holy moly/wowie zowie (I teach preschool, get over it) .... whatever dude (only b/c Andy hates it)...... have you lost your mind...........
27. What is your favorite part of the chicken?
Any part that doesn't crunch or bite back is fine with me.
(I'm going with Holly's answer) though... I do like dark meat best~
28. What's your favorite city?
If I'm going to move to an exotic location, I'll take Charlotte Amalie on St. Thomas
If we're talking in the US...Orlando ... wonder why? Hint: It's not just the warm weather & orange trees
29. Favorite kind of cake?
my maw maw's yellow cake with chocolate icing....wonder if she can make one for me in heaven when i get up there to see her again? man, i miss those-
30. What's the first word that comes to mind right now?
emily rose (Andy's flipped the TV again)
31. When was the last time you saw your mom in person?
32. What makes you feel like puking?
seeing or hearing other people do it....ick
33. What did you have for dinner LAST NIGHT?
pizza (oh farm friends are going to find out and be disappointed....the wee one was here super late though and she requested it....does that help?)
34. How long have you been at your current job?
the career: 9 years the actual location: 3 years
35. What's the last thing you said out loud?
"did you eat when you got up?"
36. Look to your right, what do you see?
Andy on the couch flipping through tv shows
37. Look to your left, what do you see?
gizmo laying on the foot stoll of the big chair and end table full of stuff
38. Who is the last person who spent $100 on you?
Andy on our trip
39. Who's your favorite villain?
40. What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone?
a gray long sleeve tshirt of Andys when we were in florida one night
41. What's the last piece of clothing you bought?
Tinkerbell pink shirt and green jacket/hoodie thing (@ Coronado Springs, remember where I was this time last week...ugh)
42. What phrase makes you laugh no matter where, when or how?
"holy crap" ... we've been watching ALOT of "Everybody Loves Raymond" at night...andy got several seasons for Christmas
43. Go into your text message log on your phone...what is the last text you sent?
"brrrrr 29 here, have a great day"
44. What is the last text message you received?
"84 here, test track"
Posted by monica at 8:47 AM What do you think?? (0)
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
On Sunday I ended up going to the pool for a few hours. It was 82 and gorgeous, the pool is heated too and super warm. (Not icky warm, just comfortable) I had the new James Patterson book and enjoyed my afternoon relaxing. I packed up some stuff *how sad* and was ready when Andy returned from his golf trip. He had a great time and made some new friends, he also said they were fantastic golfers.
(I think that meant..good thing you stayed behind)
I got a new WDW golf hat out of the deal, pretty sweet hubby!!
We left and headed over to the TTC (ticket & transportation center) to meet up with my friend Misty. (aka: partner in crime @ preschool) I was so excited to get to see her down there! Her family had just arrived and were ready for a fun filled week.
(And I was sooo sad that we couldn't stay a few days longer to play with them!!)
I guess ONE OF US has to be back with the kiddies. (he he he..just kidding)
LOVE ya Misty~

After riding the monorail over to the Magic Kingdom with the Dolph family, we wished them tons of fun & said goodbye. Then we caught a boat over to the Grand Floridian...just to walk around. We had planned to sit on the dock there and watch the fireworks, but it was a little while off yet... so after walking around some....we hopped back on the monorail and headed over to the Contemporary. While there we walked around and shopped a little. That is still my favorite place! It's just "classic" to me! I love seeing the Magic Kingdom, being able to walk b/c it's so close, the monorail always going by, the excitement of Chef Mickey's, the lake with water sports going on, the water pageant at night, watching the fireworks from there and all the rest. I can't believe we were lucky enough to stay there twice and I will always want to go back!!! We stood on the balcony where all the shops are and watched "Wishes" from the Magic Kingdom...sooo cool, they even have the music going from the show over there, perfect!!
We headed out to the boat dock then, for a ride over to Fort Wilderness. While waiting on the boat we saw 2 boats full of people that had been out on a pirate fireworks trip, they looked like they had tons of fun and it's now on my list of adventures to try! We also ran into Andy's friend, Peter Pan. When we stayed there, we'd see Peter Pan out at night over there. I can't figure out why he hangs out at that resort, but it cracks me up. I swear that Andy is afraid of him!! He plays his part of "not growing up" very well .... that's the only way I can describe it to you. He was sitting down and talking with a little boy about pirates, Captain Hook and pretty girls. It was so cute. He found a little girl too and started asking her if she was a princess or a fairy, too cute!!! He carries a lantern around and talks about his shadow to people some too, interesting character...that Peter Pan.

We caught a boat and were off again. (Alot of transportation in a few hours, but we enjoy every minute of it honestly!) We were starving and ready for Hoop De Doo!! It is soo much fun!! I would 100% recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried it before. The quality and quantity of food is fantastic!! We had salad,cast iron buckets of fried chicken & bbq ribs, a whole pan of corn bread, a bowl of both baked beans & corn on the the strawberry shortcake. WOWIE, you will NOT leave there hungry!! The food was MUCH better than we thought it would be as well. I'd had ribs at sci-fi the night before and these were 100 times better, yummy!! The fried chicken was "real" fried chicken too....oh was so good!!

The show is really funny and keeps you on your toes. It's not a big blow out, huge production though...don't think that it is. There are 2 people who are the "band" and only 6 characters in the whole show, but it is fantastic!! The comedy is great and of course family friendly. We felt like it was a show we'd see in the mountains and couldn't love it more!! We also decided that we'd for sure go back over there and do the wagon hayride, that looked like fun and we always forget they have it over there. Maybe we'll do Mickey's backyard bbq too?!?!
Monday morning was just sad. That is all I can say. I even shed a few tears, can you believe that?? It was the first time in 2 years that we've left Disney property and he

After breakfast we decided to get over to Coronado Springs for a visit. We'd planned on it for days and never made it. It's a HUGE resort and reminded us alot of Caribbean Beach (where we have stayed before) We liked Coronado though and it's for sure on our "

We'd wasted as much time as we could and decided that we had to get on home...I slept almost the ENTIRE way, so it didn't take very long. (I wasn't bored to death and begging to stop) We were home in 8 hours, on the nose. (3 stops)
And here I sit...where it's dark, 39 degrees, with the heat on and looking foward to the next trip!!
Posted by monica at 4:02 PM What do you think?? (0)
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Plays Golf on WDWs Palm Golf Course
Who: Andy L. Tanner
When: Tee Time of 1:08 PM
Andy meets the team~

And after hearing the group talk .... and seeing them all tee off.... I'm pretty sure I made the right decision with not playing. (Keep in mind I am watching all this from the patio of our room, that is RIGHT ON the first tee box. Pretty good seats! )So now.. I'm off to the pool or DTD.. can't decide!
Posted by monica at 1:19 PM What do you think?? (0)
On Saturday we headed over to MGM, it has been about a year and a half since we've been over there and I was sooo excited! Rockin' Roller coaster is closed for a refurb and that stinks, but... there are plenty of other things to do. We have been totally spoiled for the last 2 days with having NO LINES though (matter of fact our last 2 years worth of visits during "off times") and were in for a HUGE shock yesterday! MGM was... PACKED~ There were lines for everything, thankfully it was a beautiful day and that made everything ok! We slept LATE again and didn't even get over there until about 11:30. We had opted to skip breakfast and head straight to lunch when we got to the park.
After lunch (nothing exciting) we caught Muppet 3D and it was time for Lights, Motor, Action and we caught that as well. We enjoy that show, pretty good stuff. Indiana Jones (which I am tired of anyway) was closed for the day, we found out later why... stay tuned-
We could tell by just looking at the MAD HOUSE of people that we were going to have to pick and choose what we saw. We did the walk through Walt's Dream museum thingy, I just love that movie at the end! We tried to walk through the Animation Studio and it was packed, over an hour wait so we decided to hold off. We got in line for the Great Movie ride...I haven't seen a real line for that thing in 10 years, at least. It was a 35 minute line, which turned into 45 by the time we got in there due to a technical issue. Ugh!! But... we really enjoy it, so tried to be patient.

We went to try to catch the BackLot tour, which also ended up being about a 35 minute wait. What can ya do? I tried several times to catch characters out, but lines were NUTTY so I finally gave it up. We did manage to make it to see Mater & Lightning when they came out for their last appearance of the day.
We tried to get near Tower of Terror to get in line or get a fast pass and it was impossible. There were no more fast passes and the line was about an hour and a half. I just can't hack a line that long. We figured .. we'll be back. They were already lined up outside Fantasmic in was about 5:00. We ended up making dinner reservations for Sci Fi (which we don't normally care for the food a whole lot, but we were hungry). The cheese dip was fantastic, the rest was ok-
We finally got in the Animation Studio that was TOTALLY different than when we'd went in there the last time. It had been closed on our last visit or two for refurb .. and now we know why! I enjoyed it alot, but was really really really sad to find out the animation movie wasn't at the end. That broke my heart, it's my favorite movie tribute!!! The interactive stuff is cute and we did Bambi with our voices, it was a hoot. Which we should have saved it! I'll have to remember to video tape it next time. Hilarious! We didn't do the drawing session, looked cute..but we needed to head over towards Sci Fi....

By the time we got out it was time to eat and off we went. We knew that we'd miss Fantasmic by eating @ 6:15, but with that crowd...we figured we might as well give it up. After dinner we went in a few shops and I mentioned the nutty crowd. Come to find out... the cheerleading competition that was in the area (I'd heard about from my friend who is enroute right now to spend the upcoming week) was actually going on that very day @ the Indiana Jones theater. Well.... that would explain the hordes of teeny boppers around I guess?!

We had fun, despite the crowds.
Our Last Full Day
We ate breakfast this morning and have been hanging outside watching people tee off for the last hour. Andy finally decided he couldn't take it and made a tee time, in just a few minutes...he's off. I decided that I'd just sit this one out. It would tie up everybody waiting on me and I hate playing anywhere near strangers, much less with them. I'm off to the pool with a good book or to Downtown Disney for some shopping. We are giong to grab a late lunch snack when Andy returns at either the Pop Century or Coronado, just to check them out. Then we have reservations for Hoop De Doo @ 9:30 tonight. I guess this is the last post before returning tomorrow. Man... it's over so fast- But... we're already talking about our return visit in March. (or maybe even February?! he he he)
Posted by monica at 11:32 AM What do you think?? (3)
Saturday, January 13, 2007
(part 2)
So, we headed back to EPCOT after a seafood buffet @ Shades of Green!
We made it back over there about 7:30 and after a nap and 4 hour park break, we were good to go!!
We rode "Nemo" again, it's just so darn cute. We walked literally RIGHT ON and that was awesome. We also went into Turtle Talk with Crush since there wasn't a long wait there either. We hadn't done that before and it is super duper cute. We didn't know if we'd appreciate it since we don't have kiddos with us, but we LOVED it. Made us laugh!! I would recommend it for anyone, cute cute cute~
Then we went over to visit with my favorite purple friend, Figment. I was sooo sad that yet again, I'd missed him outside!~ Double ugh!!! He has been one of my FAVORITE characters all my life and I can never catch him out there.... but we went on Journey Into Imagination of course. Again, walking right in and on the ride. Of course there is the traditional picture when you come out.....see above
By then we'd gotten our bracelet and tried to get on Test Track. There were no fast passes and the wait was an hour long. What???? An hour??? It's extra magic hours, that's not suppose to happen.
So...we headed back through the countries again, heading for America. We stopped to ride Maelstrom, again. I know, I know... but it's cute and there was no wait...what can ya do?
We wondered around a few stores along the way (and I'll regret AGAIN that I didn't buy that perfume from "Italy" that I smell each & every time I go) and ended up in America to find we'd just missed a show. It was another 35 minutes until the next one. We wondered around the area and decided we just couldn't handle waiting, we were getting tired again and if we sat down...we'd fall asleep for sure!
So on around the countries we went...
Me building up my courage......
I had PROMISED MYSELF I would try Soarin'. If you know me, you know I get VERY motion sick. Any movie/motion simulation thingy KILLS me! I have been scared of this ride since it opened. I planned this whole night knowing that it would be the last thing I did and praying I'd be fine!!
We made it, the line was about 45 minutes long....(no more fast passes available) We waited...and waited.... I breathed... and prayed!
It was AWESOME~ We both LOVED it!! Andy says he liked it as much as Everest, he was amazed more than me. I was soooo happy to find out that I could take it and can't wait to do it again!!
~Yay me~
We checked out the Test Track time again, that was still 45 minutes and it was almost midnight. We decided to head on back instead. We had to catch the monorail back to the TTC and then the bus back to shades, it takes a little bit. So we returned after a fantastic day and slept like babies!
Posted by monica at 8:36 PM What do you think?? (2)
Friday, January 12, 2007
(part 1)
Turkey friends this morning-


How in the world did we end up at EPCOT? That wasn't on the do to list, was it? Seems that this morning after sleeping in a little later, we had a change of plans. Today was either to be an off day or go to MGM. We decided that we'd like to do a few things at EPCOT and tonight is it's extra magic hours night. So.... off we went.
We figured that The Living Sea would be the most crowded b/c of the New Nemo Ride, we were wrong! We arrived at the park about 10:30 and headed right over there. The wait was about 5-10 minutes. It was super duper cute. It's time that a ride was brought back over there, I think I am one of a handful of people that remember the original attraction over there. I wanted to see Turtle Talk with Crush, we've never done that. There were TONS of people waiting though and I didn't know if we'd get into the next "showing", so we decided to wait and do all of The Sea again tonight.

We went to The Land where we rode the little boat ride, that Andy loves for some reason. I wasn't yet brave enough to try Soarin'. I have it on my list of the LAST thing to do tonight before we leave. I HOPE that I can be brave enough and that it wont make me sick....we'll see-
Then we headed over to Mexico for lunch. We ate at the little outdoor place, I can't remember the name of it. I had a chicken quesadilla that was fantastic!!! We did catch a few friends in Mexico as well... I had a great dance while waiting on them to pass the autograph book around. (Yes, I said autograph book)

Then we went "next door" to Norway for the boat ride there. (I can never remember the official name of these things...)Anyway, we love it and think it's too cute. We skipped the movie and decided to come back to rest for a little bit.
We went to the pool for awhile. It's heated and super warm. Andy swam for awhile, I layed by the pool and read some. It's warm outside and the water was warm, but it was a little breezy and I didn't want to freeze when I got out. (Nor did I want to get ready all over again)

So..there you have it, part 1 of today~
We'll see what the rest holds.....
Posted by monica at 4:44 PM What do you think?? (3)
(part 2)
We ventured over to Africa and had a fantastic Safari!!
We saw a baby elephant-

a baby giraffe-

And then the big surprise...there was a white rhino, RIGHT beside the vehicle! I have never seen one so close, I thought they were aggressive? It was exciting!! I was on the "other" side and couldn't see him very well.
So....we got off right back on. Did I mention there was no wait? We walked right through the line and right on....both times!!!

The 2nd time Mr.Rhino was gone, but the highlight was the lion. In all the trips there we have never seen more than the tops of the lions back while they both nap. (They nap 20 hours a day, imagine? I shoulda been a lion) But this time....we look up and Mr. Lion is walking in a circle, looking for a new position to lay down in. Our dog & cat do that and it was so fun to see him do the same thing. Of course I didn't have my camera ready for action, so I missed it. But here he is once he found that perfect spot again-

We headed over to the train to conservation station......and I GOT TO SEE A TINY SECOND OF THE BRAND SPANKIN' NEW BABY WHITE RHINO. He was born on....Sunday I think? When we rode by the rhino barn, you could see him laying in the corner and his Mommy was over to the side! When we got over there, we saw more pictures of the new baby! Too cool.
We also met a few old friends, like Pocahontas.

And my favorite thing over all my 32 & 1/2 years of Disney trips I have NEVER EVER seen Jiminy Cricket, in person. I was soooo excited to see him there. There wasn't a soul around him. I wonder if kids know who he is these days? I was thrilled and chatted with him. The cast member took our photo and I didn't look until a little later that it was blurry. I almost cried!!!!! I was soooo upset and Andy wouldn't go back by then!! Ugh!!!! I sooooo hope they keep the classic guy around over there!

We headed back to catch A Bug's Life and saw a few minutes of the parade. It was funny, being so NOT could have sat anywhere on the side walk for a front row view of the parade. I've never seen anything like it! We didn't really have time to spare, so we didn't sit down to watch. (Strange for me b/c I am such a parade addict, but it was ok) We wanted to see the "bugs" and we also wanted to catch Everest again. We ended up sitting down to call and make ressies for supper though...and ran outta time to catch Everest again before it closed @ 5:00. I guess it will be something to look forward to on our next visit there.
We ate @ Cape May Cafe @ 6:15 and it was fantastic. It is our 2nd trip over there to the Beach Club. It's our 2nd favorite restaraunt now, right after O'Hana. If you have never been, it's a must try!! It's an "Old Fashion American Clambake". There is are clams, mussels, corn on the cob and new taters on one side of the buffet. The other side has fried tilapia (so yummy), fries, bbq ribs, beef tips with mushrooms, mashed taters, mac n cheese, pasta, boiled shrimp and I can't remember what else. There is a salad bar and a kid's bar. (with pizza, corn dogs, mac n cheese, fries and chicken fingers) The food is a ton better than the typical "Disney buffets" that some of the parks and other resorts have!! Then there is a dessert buffet....wholy moly!! There's cheesecake, strawberry moose, cookies, key lime tarts, german chocolate cake bites and two of my FAVORITES are these oreo bon bons that are OUT OF THIS WORLD and then....Flan.... I am a flan addict these days!!
That was day 1 and we're headed to day 2-
(with a few changes to our plans already, imagine that)
Oh oh oh oh.... I forgot about the animals at the 2nd jungle trek over in Africa. We watched the gorillas awhile, the whole family was over by the glass and were too funny. One guy had a limb and was tempting his family with it. He'd lay it down and move back, they'd come close to it and then he'd grab it and run. Just like boy huh??

Then....the funny hippo! We laughed at this guy for a LONG time!! It was funny enough that he looks like he has a smile on his face! Look close, see it!!

Then Andy noticed that not only are little fishies all around him and he's laying there with his head propped on a rock, breathing out bubbles with a smile...which is all too cute...BUT.....his feet....look at them...his feet are NOT touching the bottom...they are floating off a bit. He's totally propped up by his head on that rock. Oh my makes me laugh out loud just to look at it now!!

What a day!!! I swear it was THE MOST fun!! I don't know if it's b/c we hadn't been to Animal Kingdom in almost 3 years...or if it was the excitement of a new ride....the great weather and no lines... we had the BEST time though!!!!!!!
Posted by monica at 8:10 AM What do you think?? (2)
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Animal Kingdom
(part 1)

Here is the view that we woke up too-
Pretty close to the tee box, huh?

We went down to the breakfast buffet (oh my heavens...) and then
returned to the room to find that Turkey Lurkey was there waiting at our "back door". I was pretty sure he was about to come on in!! They have always been a group of them "below" us when we stayed here before, seems we are right here with them this time~ Funny~

We caught a bus and headed over to Animal Kingdom,
"Everest" was on our first thing to do list!!

It is so much better than I could have ever imagined. (Did I mention that we waited in the standby line for all of 12 minutes, can you beat that? Even with fast pass??) I knew that it had rave reviews.
I've heard most of you rave about it...but the only way to get it, is to experience it yourself. WHOLY MOLY, WOWIE ZOWIE!!
It rocks!!
What more can you say? Ride it for yourself-

After that we headed over to Dinoland and got shaken to death on a
dinosaur adventure. You forget just how wild that ride is until you get back on again, so much fun!! It makes me laugh for some reason, I love it!

It was almost time for "Nemo" and I was very excited. I wasn't a fan of Tarzan Rocks and was thrilled to have a new show to replace it! The show is fantastic, very very very very well done!! I recommend it 100%~
On our way over to the Jungle Trek, we were side tracked with monkeys that we watched for a long, long time! I think I could have spent the day right there with those guys! They totally amaze me. I took so many pictures, you have no idea. But here... meet the family.
There was a proud Papa-

A jealous brother-

And a Mommy with her 4 month old.

We learned that these guys are born a white color. By the time they are 1, they turn black. When the females are ready to start a family of their own, they turn white again. Crazy huh?
On our trek we saw a Tiger that was yawning & stretching and looked like he belonged in our living room floor beside Kitty Witty!!

Before we arrived in Africa, we ran into a bear that we know & love!!!

((random question: who remembers when the park first opened and people actually rode that boat in my first picture? why did they stop that? are there plans to do something with it again? there should be))
Posted by monica at 9:40 PM What do you think?? (2)
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Greetings from Shades of Green!! We made it in 8 & 1/2 hours, including 2 potty stops, a gas stop and supper @ Cracker Barrel. GREAT TIME, we just hit traffic right everywhere and had great luck~
Great room, on the courses as always. This time we're on the bottom floor and the 1st tee is STRAIGHT in front of us. The official clock is dead center to our glass doors. Andy's having a hard time not running out there with a club & a few balls!!!! I have no desire to bail him outta "the mouse" jail, so I'm keeping a close eye on him!!!
Off to bed so we will be ready to conquer "Everest" in the morning!! Animal Kingdom, here we come!!!
Posted by monica at 10:50 PM What do you think?? (0)
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
This is the 4th time that we have left like this... Andy is off, he takes me to work and drops me off. He drops Gizmo off @ the Vet for boarding. (Whom might I add has an entire bag packed: food/treats/
pillow/toys..yes, she said pillow! AND a detailed note to the ladies there since I am not the one taking him!!!) He goes home to load the car (though everything is already packed) and make sure all the last minutes are done. He picks me up right after school gets out. It's always worked great, he's dependable (he's a grown adult for crying out loud) and we haven't left anything of importance yet. (Plus I left him a detailed checklist of things to do!!)
I however.... have MAJOR CONTROL ISSUES with letting it go! I HATE that he is the one actually putting the things in the car. (He wont humor me and do it tonight.) Matter of fact while I am stressing over...did I pack I need it....what did I forget.... He's sleeping like a baby~
What could possibly be so important? I have the tickets, we have clothes, toothbrushes & undies. What is there to forget...that we couldn't just buy? I have no idea....but I worry non the less.
I worry about the house...what if he forgets to______. Never mind the fact that Momma is coming up here every day to check on the Kitty Witty and girlies.
So.. I'll take (yet another) deep breath and go to bed. (and lay there for hours worrying)
We are going to have an awesome time though and I'll be back to report it in great detail. (You know me, right?)
Posted by monica at 10:35 PM What do you think?? (0)