Stephen Mark Tanner III

Today, FINALLY, I got to meet him for the first time! Things came up all over the place that kept us from meeting him last week and I was getting close to having a nervous breakdown to get my hands on this precious little one! I was able to visit with Mark, Trisha and Trey this morning for a little bit and hold this sweet little boy. (Then I got a second peek as they came to Steve & Teresa's while we were still there!) It is the most amazing thing in the world to see these tiny people as they begin this journey of life. He just sleeps so peacefully, wakes up a moment to eye you, gives a big stttreeeeetttcchhh and then he's sleeping soundly again.
I'm not sure who took this one. This picture belongs to Molly too, I think. (If not Molly, then Aimee) Whoever it is, you did good work and I hope you don't mind me "borrowing" it. Here are 3 generations of Stephen Mark Tanners! (My brother in law, Steve. My nephew, Mark. My great nephew, Trey!)

I can NOT believe I am posting this picture because I am slightly scary! This is what happens in the summer when I do nothing more than put on a bathing suit, brush my teeth, throw a t-shirt & shorts on over it all and head out. I was heading to swim for the day, so I didn't mind my slightly scary appearance. I only share it b/c Trey is so darn sweet!

Anyone who thinks God no longer performs miracles obviously hasn't held a newborn baby recently. *Sigh*... A piece of Heaven on Earth no doubt!
(Why didn't I take a picture of Mark, Trisha & Trey this afternoon when I saw them again? I still had my camera with me. Ugh! I hate that I didn't do that. I blame it on being brain fried by the sun!)
Edit: I have already started calling everyone the wrong name. I read this thing a dozen times before posting and still, I called him Tanner. I'm sorry little munchkin and welcome to a lifetime of being called all sorts of things! (My Mom calls me by my aunts name and heck, I'm an only child!) Thanks to my sis in law for noticing.
On July 8th @ almost 9PM we got a fantastic gift from Heaven above.
Our newest great nephew, Trey, was born.
Our newest great nephew, Trey, was born.
This picture is completely and totally "borrowed" from Trisha's amazingly talented photographer sister, Molly. Molly, you deserve all the credit and I hope you don't mind me sharing this one!

Today, FINALLY, I got to meet him for the first time! Things came up all over the place that kept us from meeting him last week and I was getting close to having a nervous breakdown to get my hands on this precious little one! I was able to visit with Mark, Trisha and Trey this morning for a little bit and hold this sweet little boy. (Then I got a second peek as they came to Steve & Teresa's while we were still there!) It is the most amazing thing in the world to see these tiny people as they begin this journey of life. He just sleeps so peacefully, wakes up a moment to eye you, gives a big stttreeeeetttcchhh and then he's sleeping soundly again.
I'm not sure who took this one. This picture belongs to Molly too, I think. (If not Molly, then Aimee) Whoever it is, you did good work and I hope you don't mind me "borrowing" it. Here are 3 generations of Stephen Mark Tanners! (My brother in law, Steve. My nephew, Mark. My great nephew, Trey!)

I can NOT believe I am posting this picture because I am slightly scary! This is what happens in the summer when I do nothing more than put on a bathing suit, brush my teeth, throw a t-shirt & shorts on over it all and head out. I was heading to swim for the day, so I didn't mind my slightly scary appearance. I only share it b/c Trey is so darn sweet!

Anyone who thinks God no longer performs miracles obviously hasn't held a newborn baby recently. *Sigh*... A piece of Heaven on Earth no doubt!
(Why didn't I take a picture of Mark, Trisha & Trey this afternoon when I saw them again? I still had my camera with me. Ugh! I hate that I didn't do that. I blame it on being brain fried by the sun!)
Edit: I have already started calling everyone the wrong name. I read this thing a dozen times before posting and still, I called him Tanner. I'm sorry little munchkin and welcome to a lifetime of being called all sorts of things! (My Mom calls me by my aunts name and heck, I'm an only child!) Thanks to my sis in law for noticing.
He was equally as excited to meet his aunt Monica! Sorry we were no very sociable... it had been a long hard night... oh the things to look forward to Monica!
I noticed----however I didn't want to let you know. Mark called them the wrong name even before he was ever born. What was I is very confusing with all of the T names and Tanner being everyones last name.
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