Yep, we're still at the beach. We have never stayed at the bea

(I'm going to be in serious withdrawals next week!!)
We can't wait until next time . . .
Posted by monica at 2:05 PM What do you think?? (0)
Because I am leaving in the morning to head to the beach! I will be with wonderful husband, my great sister & brother in law, my funny niece and her hubby. Plus two of my favorite people in the world... even when she has this look....and even when he is covered in stickers. he he he he he he......... See ya soon!!
Posted by monica at 6:22 PM What do you think?? (0)
Posted by monica at 10:58 AM What do you think?? (0)
Because I need something to entertain me right now.
(and Holly just sent this)
I bring you another question do hickey.
The great news is, I haven't done one in a long time!
50 ODD Things about you! ((I'd love to see some of you copy, paste and play along!!))
2. Have you ever smoked a cigarette? never ever
3. Do you own a gun? sort of
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? none, i get a strawberry/lemon fresh fruit slush
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? more than i can even describe to you!!!
6. What do you think of hot dogs? love 'em, a favorite and no thanks on the bun!
7. Favorite Christmas Song? "Baby it's Cold Outside" .. over and over and over and over
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? a Coke if I'm cheating and a Coke Zero if I'm not
9. Can you do push ups? pathetically a few
10. What's your favorite meal? seriously? mcd's double cheeseburger & sweet tea .. or fiesta lime chicken from applebees...or california chicken salad from O'Charley's (without the chicken)
.11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? wedding rings (both sets, my husband rocks!)
12. Favorite hobby? Reading, taking pics of kids
13. Do you work with people who idolize you? ha, idolize... maybe more like put up with because i'm such an over achiever...lol.. they might want to strangle me....
14. Do you have ADD? about somethings sometimes, sometimes it's the opposite an OCD
15. What's one trait that you hate about yourself? i worry - i don't like speaking in groups
16. Middle name? Susann (think "Suzanne", i tell my Mom she spelled it wrong)
17. Name 3 thoughts at this moment: 1-Tracey just emailed and i need to go see what she said, 2-I will never sleep tonight, 3- I am so thankful I got out tonight with Misty (thanks again, you have no idea)
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday: yesterday - nothing, today was errand day
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink: Coke zero, milk 2% and fruit punch crystal light
20. Current worry right now: just know there is one
21. Current hate right now? not hate, but i'm struggling with the letting go when I hand things to the Lord...so i don't like NOT being in control of things, but I know that the one who has the best plan for me IS in control and I'm reminding myself to take comfort in that!!!
22. Favorite place to be? Walking down Main Street USA @ Disney World on the first morning of a long trip, makes me cry! ..After that.. the beach with a great book (or at the beach with my niece and nephew.. I can't wait for Saturday!)
23. How did you bring in New Years? We were at Disney World, but the parks were closed b/c of full capacity and we hung out in the hotel as the New Year arrived. Still was a great trip!
24. Where would you like to go? On another cruise, always. To Disney World ASAP! The beach Saturday!! :) Someday - Greece & Hawaii
25. Name three people who will complete this? Who Knows? They got tired of these I think.
26. Whose answer do you want to read the most? Anyone who has too much time on their hands
27. What color shirt are you wearing? White PJ's with blue flowers
28 . Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Sure, I like soft & cold sheets!
29. Can you whistle? Pathetically, I suck- in to whistle, Andy laughs at me...
30. Favorite color(s): Red & Pink
31. Would you be a pirate? Only if Captain Jack is there!!
32. What songs do you sing in the shower? Depends on what's on the radio in there.
33. Favorite girl's name? Not saying right now, but there are now 10 on the list (for some reason I am now adding names)
35. What's in your pocket right now? no pockets
36. Last thing that made you laugh? A bunch of things tonight with Misty, did I mention she rocks?!
37. Best bed sheets as a child? Holly hobby, duh. (Oh heavens, I just read your answer Holly and it's mine too!!!!! I still have mine. I have to take a picture and show you!!!!! Or better yet if you come to the Tanner Inn you can sleep on 'em!)
38. Worst injury you ever had? You're going to laugh, but it was the glue gun incident. It was the worse night of my life and was very scary! Andy still calls me lobster girl when I get out a glue gun.
39. Do you love where you live? Yeah, I do. It's close to our family & friends. (Most of 'em) It's close to "stuff", but it's still country-ish and small town. I love our house too and notice that more and more.
40. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3 or 4, Not sure if that one is still in Andy's downstairs room or not?
41. Who is your loudest friend? Does my Grandmother count? Not sure about loudest friend.
42. How many pets do you have? 3
43. Does someone have a crush on you? I'd ask him, but he's asleep.
45. What is your favorite book? I refuse to answer this, no short answer even possible.
46. What is your favorite candy ? Can I have it all? Skittles, Baby Ruth, M & Ms, I love it all though!
47. What is your favorite sports team: The Dawgs (that would be University of Georgia BullDogs for yall' yankees!!)
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? I don't want "them" to have a funeral when I go! (I'm very serious) Have a cookout, have people over for good food and good times. Play all sorts of random music if you must ... Christian, southern fried rock, country, Musical tunes, kids music, swing, I love it all.....
49. What were you doing 12 AM last night? Watching my last "DVR"ed episode of "Tori & Dean"
Posted by monica at 8:24 PM What do you think?? (1)
Posted by monica at 8:07 PM What do you think?? (0)
Posted by monica at 2:44 PM What do you think?? (0)
Posted by monica at 5:50 PM What do you think?? (1)
Posted by monica at 7:48 PM What do you think?? (2)
Posted by monica at 10:37 PM What do you think?? (3)
Posted by monica at 9:41 PM What do you think?? (2)
Posted by monica at 10:24 PM What do you think?? (0)
Posted by monica at 1:29 PM What do you think?? (2)
Post from yesterday deleted for lack of participation. If you saw it, you know what I mean. If not, well.. you didn't miss anything exciting.
Posted by monica at 1:28 PM What do you think?? (0)
Posted by monica at 8:33 AM What do you think?? (0)
Posted by monica at 10:04 AM What do you think?? (2)