Christmas Traditions
the movies section
'Tis the Season
You know the holidays have arrived when TNT is playing Christmas movies every night & Charlie Brown Christmas comes on network TV. Gotta love it. So many movies, so little time. Here are some of my favorites, too many to list them all. I could watch one a day through December and not get through them all!! Love, love, love them!!
As I finish this, I go back and think of all the ones I've left out. I'll never remember to name them all. The Disney CG film where Minnie & Daisy are ice skating, love it. Snowden on Ice, love a good ice skating movie. Prancer, oh Prancer.... Have you seen it? I love that movie, not very well known. Jingle all the way, makes me laugh. Christmas with the Kranks, fun. All the Home Alone movies are great for the holidays, the first is my favorite by far! It's a Wonderful Life, classic .. though I don't love this like everyone else, I watch it still. Twas the Night Before Christmas with the mice in the clocks, fun. Little Drummer Boy, the movie about the Christmas that almost wasn't.... what's that one? (Oh - The Year Without Santa Claus) Santa Claus is Coming to Town, The Santa Claus movies, those are all good. Ok, I can never name them all, I have an entire cabinet section FULL of Christmas movies only!!

Charlie Brown, man... You have to love the story there. The music, you know it when you hear just a few notes. What a great sound track!!
A Christmas Story, how can you not LOVE this movie? Who doesn't feel for the kid when the bullies are after him, who doesn't love the scene where he sticks h
is tongue to the pole, you know you quote "You'll shoot yer' eye out" and how about the end where they are singing in the Chinese restraunt? You know you love it!
Frosty or Rudolph? Could you pick?? Why pick, let's take 'em both!

Grinch, you know it by heart ... right?!
White Christmas, everyone needs at least one good musical for the season! This is such a classic! Makes me wish for snow as I watch it and drink my hot chocolate.

Smoky Mountain Christmas, WHAT?? You haven't seen this redneck hit?? Seriously?? Watch it, it will be on CMT again. It's great. Sweet story and it's not Christmas unless I've seen this one a few times! Love the kids!!! Dolly is the woman!
Miracle on 34th Street, do you like the old one or the new one???
I love them both, I watch them both each year.

Ok.. you're on a deserted island and can only have one Christmas movie with you. What are you taking?? Me, hands down... I'm taking Christmas Vacation!! This could very well be my favorite movie of all time, period. It makes me laugh until I cry, every single time I watch it. No kidding!! When my Mom's side of the family gets together for Christmas, we have this movie playing. We all know it by heart and once I forgot the movie... it wasn't pretty-
Love, love, love, love it!!!

the movies section
**This was originally posted last year in December. In sticking with traditions, it looked like a great time to share it again. I love Christmas movies and have so many favorites. We've watched the Grinch on TV already and the DVD version of "Christmas Vacation." Watching all the movies is a huge tradition. Don't forget to read the end and post your own thoughts!!**
'Tis the Season
You know the holidays have arrived when TNT is playing Christmas movies every night & Charlie Brown Christmas comes on network TV. Gotta love it. So many movies, so little time. Here are some of my favorites, too many to list them all. I could watch one a day through December and not get through them all!! Love, love, love them!!
As I finish this, I go back and think of all the ones I've left out. I'll never remember to name them all. The Disney CG film where Minnie & Daisy are ice skating, love it. Snowden on Ice, love a good ice skating movie. Prancer, oh Prancer.... Have you seen it? I love that movie, not very well known. Jingle all the way, makes me laugh. Christmas with the Kranks, fun. All the Home Alone movies are great for the holidays, the first is my favorite by far! It's a Wonderful Life, classic .. though I don't love this like everyone else, I watch it still. Twas the Night Before Christmas with the mice in the clocks, fun. Little Drummer Boy, the movie about the Christmas that almost wasn't.... what's that one? (Oh - The Year Without Santa Claus) Santa Claus is Coming to Town, The Santa Claus movies, those are all good. Ok, I can never name them all, I have an entire cabinet section FULL of Christmas movies only!!

Charlie Brown, man... You have to love the story there. The music, you know it when you hear just a few notes. What a great sound track!!
A Christmas Story, how can you not LOVE this movie? Who doesn't feel for the kid when the bullies are after him, who doesn't love the scene where he sticks h

Frosty or Rudolph? Could you pick?? Why pick, let's take 'em both!

Grinch, you know it by heart ... right?!
White Christmas, everyone needs at least one good musical for the season! This is such a classic! Makes me wish for snow as I watch it and drink my hot chocolate.

Smoky Mountain Christmas, WHAT?? You haven't seen this redneck hit?? Seriously?? Watch it, it will be on CMT again. It's great. Sweet story and it's not Christmas unless I've seen this one a few times! Love the kids!!! Dolly is the woman!
Miracle on 34th Street, do you like the old one or the new one???
I love them both, I watch them both each year.

Ok.. you're on a deserted island and can only have one Christmas movie with you. What are you taking?? Me, hands down... I'm taking Christmas Vacation!! This could very well be my favorite movie of all time, period. It makes me laugh until I cry, every single time I watch it. No kidding!! When my Mom's side of the family gets together for Christmas, we have this movie playing. We all know it by heart and once I forgot the movie... it wasn't pretty-
Love, love, love, love it!!!

Your turn, tell me your favorites. What is your favorite Christmas movie? Do you watch it at a particular time of the season? Do you watch them on TV or DVD? Favorite memories from them?