9th Anniversary
June, 12th 1999 - 2008 @ Noon
It was 9 years ago today that I became Mrs. Andy Lee Tanner. Sometimes it seems like just the other day, more often than not, it seems like 39 years instead! (In a good way ;) It's often hard to remember life before marriage. Andy was my best friend and favorite person on Earth pretty much from the moment I met him. Some people say "marriage is hard", "we have to work at it". I nod my head or smile, I have NO idea what they are talking about. I know that God meant for us to be together and quite frankly, marriage has always been pretty darn easy for us. I'm pretty sure that's the way God intended it to be. We've gone through times that weren't so great, but we go through them together. We've made hard decisions, always figuring things out together.
A few months ago, during an adoption interview, a social worker asked me when we argued how we handled it or what we disagreed on. I thought and thought, I racked my brain, I felt so cheesy and I laughed telling her I couldn't think of a thing and to come back to it. We came back to it and I finally thought of something. We have a very hard time figuring out where to eat when we go out. It's a long drawn out conversation of "what do you want" "I don't know, what do you want" "just pick" "no you pick" "what do you NOT want" "what did you have for lunch" "tell me 3 places and I'll pick" "well, I'll at least take one away and then you can pick" Yep, that's it. That's the only thing we can't agree on and it boils down to, no one wants to decide. I'd say we're doing alright!...Funny thing was, it's the same thing Andy told her too, same story...We were meant to be!!
This isn't to say that our opinions are always the same on things, not at all. It's not to say that we share all the same interests, far from it, we're both quite independent and pretty darn different. It's to say that, these aren't arguments or disagreements. Andy & I cherish the fact that we're different, accept it and never think twice about it. The bond of how we are alike is so great, the rest isn't a thought.
I love this photo of the day. Sums it up great!

June 12, 1999: What a day! I remember when we first started planning the wedding it was so exciting: flowers (tulips!), food (extra choc. covered strawberries), dresses, songs, etc.. By the time it got closer, we were ready to head somewhere for a quick ceremony and just start life as the Mr. & Mrs. I realized it wasn't all about the ceremony, but committing our lives to be together forever. We did have a big 'ole church wedding though and it was quite beautiful, if I do say so myself. Our loved ones were there with big smiles on there faces.
The day started off with my best friend & I grabbing a biscuit @ Martins and heading to my cousin's beauty shop for hair. It was SO EARLY that morning and alt

hough I had been really nervous 2 days prior, I was ready to "get on with it" on the morning of the wedding. Meanwhile Andy was having breakfast with his best friend, Gordon and his wife, at IHOP. Then Amy & I headed to the church to finish getting beautiful and start the pictures. It was time to see Andy and the conversation went something like this "you look great" "so do you" "I love you" "I love you too" "I didn't sleep last night" "I was at Walmart with Mom @ midnight" "ready to do this thing" "yep"-
The ceremony was great, makes me smile now to think about it. My little flower girl, God bless Shelby who is a teenager now, was a little hyper. She was playing with her basket, offering it to the pastor and then spread out: hand's folded, head bowed and on her knees for prayer. I had no idea then, but the video sure was funny! My Grand daddy, whom I miss so much, said a welcome and prayed a prayer that was close to the longest on record I'm pretty sure. That makes me smile too! The next big thought is of my Daddy raising my veil, giving me words of wisdom and telling me how much he loved me, right? Um, no! He told me he loved me and "we shoulda done this in Gatlinburg"! Silly man- Priceless!!
Then flash to us lighting the unity candle, symbolizing our lives becoming one with Christ. There was a conversation there that was all about "I can't wait to get to Disney World" "me either" "This time tomorrow we'll be in a park" "I can't wait"
Then it was done, we were Mr. and Mrs. Andy Lee Tanner. I am a blessed woman.
The reception was

great. There was fantastic food, a gorgeous (and quite yummy with different flavors) cake and tons of people we loved. We took more pictures, visited and got lots of advice. (No dancing, we're baptist after all. :) Then it was time to get outta there and we were off, to my parents house. We squished my big 'ole dress into the car of the moment, a convertible mustang. We had to stop down the road b/c the girls sash's they tied on the car were blowing over Andy's face and he couldn't see to drive. We arrived at my parents and I remember getting out of the car, leaving beads galore behind. LOL!

We spent the afternoon opening presents and eating food that we didn't get to touch while at the reception, waiting for time to head to the airport. Mom & Dad took us and waved goodbye as we headed on to Orlando. Andy carried a very large, VERY HEAVY bag the entire time. He carried it through Atlanta and through Orlando. From car to plane, from plane to taxi, from taxi to hotel. "What is IN THIS?" he asked over and over. :) We finally made it to our room about 11:00 that night and were for sure wiped out. We sat down to open the heavy bag, LOL!! It was food!! I had got Mom to pack all sorts of left over food, cake and even a GALLON of punch!! Wedding punch by Ms. Melanie (not spiked thank you) is my favorite thing ever. Of course these days you could never travel on a plane with that, Andy couldn't believe he'd been carting around food and punch. LOL.....
We spent a week at Disney World. I was terrified it would be our first and last trip, "would Andy not love Disney like I did?" He hadn't been as much as I had and I was determined we'd do every thing, ride everything (twice), see every show and parade, meet every character, walk every space. It was exhausting!! Andy remembers very little of it and for years later would say "we've never done this before" while @ Disney. I'd remind him we did see it on our honeymoon, he just slept through it. Silly boy-
Little did I know he would love it just as much as me and we'd continue to visit every year, even getting annual passes. (Told you I was blessed!) I had one of those "commit this to memory" moments on a bus, in route to the Magic Kingdom the first morning. I told Andy, I'll remember this moment forever. "I'm married to the man I love with my whole heart, we're about to share a week at my favorite place and I can't imagine being happier."
We had lunch one day at Mama Melrose's. The waitress found out we were newlyweds and made everyone tap their glass with a spoon and we kissed. Awww..... He also wrote this lovely poem, the dork!!
We have lived in one home and bought a second together. We've bought new vehicles and traded for used ones too. We have church hopped, joined two churches that we truly loved, then returned home to our "home" church and our home church family at last. We have made friends, gone on double dates and had cook outs. We've added furry friends to our family. We've had to say goodbye to family we loved and were not ready to let go of, but we've also welcomed new lives to our family and seen that life continues. We've changed jobs, we've found places to work that fit like a glove. We've taken up new hobbies, learned new sports. We've spent weeks at the lake camping, weeks on cruise ships in beautiful Caribbean places, we've played in the snow in the mountains and went to small town festivals all over. I can't imagine anything being greater than the first 9 years together. Now we are getting ready for a new adventure of becoming parents together. We've talked about it, prayed about it and dreamed of it for most of our marriage. Now it feels so close and we are both so excited and can't wait!
Andy is amazing! He's patient, easy going, kind and has a huge heart. He loves animals and thinks kids are so funny. He's smart and wise, those don't always go hand in hand, with him they do. He's funny, a jokester, a typical boy and he makes me laugh (roll my eyes and shake my head too) every single day. He is a family man and knows what's important in life. He loves God and is consistent in his faith. He commits to things 110%. He's an outdoors kinda guy and loves anything outside. He's a busy body and has a hard time sitting still. He loves me, he tells me and shows me daily. He is the love of my life, my best friend, my partner in everything and I love him with my whole heart and I am blessed!!!
"Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do."
Ecc. 4:9