January Fun Things:
Here are some random super fun things that I'm loving in the new year! In no particular order! I'm back to no bread & no sugar, so these Sugar Free Popsicles are fabulous. I LOVE popsicle and icee stuff, so this works. One a day (or two) 15 calories, no sugar. What's not to love. (And for the record, I've lost 5 pounds and that was just the first week!)

I have a font obsession! Here are my current favorites. I've added a zillion! With the new program (2 actually. one was a scrapbook program and it pretty much stinks) it automatically gave me new ones and then I've found other random favorites free online. Here are some top pics currently!

Yep, this was the camera I bought in September. It was a combo birthday gift with $$ raised from a huge yard sale. I waited for years and years on this sucker and I'm madly in love with it. Santa brought me the next biggie lens and it's fabulous as well. (55-200mm) I want the 18-200, but I'm thinking that's on the back burner for quite awhile.

Here's the surprise small digi that Andy bought me. It's very small and fits in the zipper ID case from Vera Bradley, perfect camera case. It has a fairly good zoom and it takes movies. It's going to be perfect to keep in a diaper bag someday, I look forward to it!

Grey's Anatomy on DVD, season 3. Technically right now.. any TV on DVD is the greatest thing ever. We are season 8 of "Everybody Loves Raymond" with only one more to. I've been watching "Dawson's Creek" and "Gilmore Girls" on and off again. We have several other sets and both have a handful on our "wish list". "90210" is on my next to buy for sure. I have been watching it again for months now, 2 episodes every late afternoon. Good times, fun memories. I forgot how much I loved that cheesy show!

I am a Crystal Light addict. I don't like water unless I'm REALLY hot and the water is REALLY cold. I figure if I can add some flavor and get more bottles down, life is good. My favorites have always been lemonade and ice tea. Today though, I found a brand new flavor and it's fabulous. It's fruit punch and tastes just like kool aid to me. (I love kool aid) Life is good and I see alot of water in my future!) 5 calories, sugar free. I'm set!

Do you eat the chips with lime? I love these things. Ok, not 100% great for me, but it's not terrible either. Everyone has to have a snack, right? Eat them with salsa and you're doing something pretty good for yourself. Salsa and those tomatoes are great for you, so feel good about a small snack!

guess i've put off being productive enough today, hope you enjoyed--