Powder Springs Day:
Andy & I grew up in Powder Springs. Although we are now proud residents of Dallas, just next door, we still love Powder Springs and it will always be home. Today was Powder Springs Day. What in the world is that you might ask.... (ok, or you might not even care)
It all starts with a 1 mile fun run & 5K, starting & ending at First Baptist Church of Powder Springs, our home church. Andy and Steve, his oldest brother, have been running in this race for years and years!! Andy has won first place in his age group for several years now, but this year...he won 3rd place over all!! It was very exciting! Here's a picture of him running through the finish line @ the time clock. Not a go
od picture I know, super blurry. I was in a hurry to catch him and didn't hold still, my fault!! (I'd missed a picture at the halfway point because I was busy running a stroller with my great niece over into the shrubs! OOPS!!! Hang on Layla!)
After the race there is a pancake breakfast and award ceremony. Here is Andy getting his award from another sponsor in the community, our state farm insurance agent...Katie Harris! (I know, why didn't I get in front of them while someone else took their picture, duh!)
Meanwhile, while Andy was busy running.... I was playing with our cutie pie great niece, Layla~ She's soooo funny, though in this picture she just looks like she thinks I'm nuts with my camera!Here is Andy with his brother, who came in 2nd in his age group! (Should I mention here that he got beat ..again.. by someone pushing a running stroller. With TWO kids in it? He HATES that...it makes him SO angry that they can pass him pushing one of those things. He was in the top 15 overall too!! He'd die if he knew I was posting that for the world to read!)
After the race there is a parade, a very small parade...but parade just the same. We didn't stay for it this year. The high school band plays and all the boys & girls in every organization and sport you can imagine walk in it, cute..just not for us today. There is also a small arts & crafts show down at the park, but alas...we skipped that too-
We headed home to change & then over to the fair grounds for the "Blue Ribbon Affair", it's a little bigger arts & crafts festival. I have to say though that sadly, it's shrinking each year. Just not the same- The kettle corn alone is worth the trip over there though! Of course I made it home with a pair of bulldog earrings and another bulldog bracelet though. One can never have enough UGA stuff!! After a lemonade, walking around for awhile and a brief stop to watch the cloggers (yep, welcome to the south yall) we decided to head on home.
There you have it, life in a small town. It was followed by much more excitement...a nap & supper @ Steak & Shake!! LOL~ Thanks for coming by for a glimpse of Tanner Life! Until next time....
5 years ago
Look at you...the pro at posting pictures! hehe
Congrats to Andy!! :)
Looks like a fun day monica, good for Andy running his races.
I'd come in last, and it would probably be a day later. LOL
Great job Andy!
That's why I don't walk in it. It's a little over 3 miles and you would think I could take it...BUT... there is this 70something little lady who has walked it every year forever. Ms. Pickard. If Ms.Pickard beat me (and I imagine she would!) I'd die!!!
Yep, Andy is currently "the fastest man in Powder Springs" since the first 2 were teeny boppers. He's so proud. He says he hopes the "Kenyans" don't find out about our little small town race, so he can keep coming in the top 5!!
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