Bath Tub Fun
Who else would take over 50 pictures of playing in the tub??? Me!! Cole had an ingrown toenail that came off, got infected and caused all sorts of craziness last week. He's been on meds and last week had to soak 3 times a day in a bath with Epson salt. We're soaking once or twice this week and he's grown to love it more every day. He was already really enjoying bath time, oppose to the screaming fits he'd have the first few months..... but now he just loves loves loves bath time!! He plays with toys, bangs on the side of the tub b/c it's loud and he loves noises, splashes with his hands and kicky kicky kicks like crazy!! It's fun to watch and play with him, so this afternoon I brought the camera along for fun!!
So I wonder what this fishy tastes like?
Hmmm, tastes like chicken Mommy...

So I wonder what this fishy tastes like?
Hmmm, tastes like chicken Mommy...
And hermit crabs, I've always wanted to taste one of those.
Yep, he tastes like chicken too.
Yep, he tastes like chicken too.
A puffer fish you say?
Sure, I'll bite....
Yep, tastes like chicken.
Sure, I'll bite....
Yep, tastes like chicken.
Sea horse = chicken
you guessed it.
you guessed it.
Duck, uh huh ... you're right
(thanks again Ms.April)
(thanks again Ms.April)
Pruney baby toes
How CUTE! I love the pruney toes and tiny hands! Makes me wish mine were little again. After this week I REALLY wish mine were little again.
Ohhhhh my goodness, these pictures are so cute. Hahaha, tastes like chicken. I love it!
He's so cute!! You take me back to when Dexter loved bathtime.
Privacy please ... classic.
Cute Pics...He is getting so big!
That's a great smile!
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