10 Years
Wow, all I can say is Wow! I would have never imagined how awesome the past 10 years would have been.
I would have never imagined how much I could love someone even more than the day I married him, but oh how I do love him more! I would have never imagined that it would take us so long to have kids, but wouldn't trade the journey for anything! I would have never thought we'd spend so much "just us" time before kids, but am so thankful for every single minute of it. (despite how hard it was to wait) I would have never imagined after signing up with our adoption agency that I would get birth, ever, but here I am 13 days after doing just that with the little one here to prove it. I would have never thought Andy would be the "baby hog" at our house and yet here we are with him never putting Cole down.
I can't begin to say how much I love Andy more every single day. People have always said "I love him more after seeing him become a Daddy" and I can now attest to just how true that is. Seeing Andy stand by me for the birth, which he swore he might not be able to handle, made me appreciate him even more. Seeing him change dirty diapers and jump from being soaked while I lay helpless in a hospital bed, made me love him more. (and cracked me up) Watching him feed, burp, change and gaze into Cole's face every day the past two weeks...make me love him more.
Catching them on the couch sleeping together, looking like twins 40 years apart, make me love him more. Hearing him talk to Cole continuously, makes me love him more.
Sometimes I think my heart is going to burst!
10 years of being married to my best friend on Earth, I am so blessed! A lifetime to look forward too, how much more can a girl ask for?
I blogged about our wedding and marriage last year (click here) and am even more amazed at our journey today. God is so good!!
Ecc 4:9 “Two people are better than one, they can help each other in everything they do”
June 12, 1999

June 12, 2007
8 yr anniversary cruise
8 yr anniversary cruise
April 2008
Birthmom letter photos, on our way to becoming parents
Birthmom letter photos, on our way to becoming parents

September 27, 2008
My birthday and already parents-in-the-making,
but we didn't have a clue.
In Gatlinburg.
My birthday and already parents-in-the-making,
but we didn't have a clue.
In Gatlinburg.
Easter 2009
Getting so close to welcoming Cole
Getting so close to welcoming Cole
June 10, 1999
Almost 10 years to the day and here we are, family of three.
At my parents house.
Almost 10 years to the day and here we are, family of three.
At my parents house.